Tag: expert

  • Ruby Red Dragonet Care Guide: Synchiropus sycorax

    Ruby Red Dragonet Care Guide: Synchiropus sycorax

    The ruby red dragonet (Synchiropus sycorax) holds a special place in aquarium history. This gorgeous member of the Callionymidae family made an appearance in the aquarium industry THIS century. Not impressive enough? What if I also mentioned they did so without a scientific name? STILL not impressed? How about if I told you their eventual…

  • Sea Hares: Facts, Eggs, Ink, and Care

    Sea Hares: Facts, Eggs, Ink, and Care

    If you’re looking for a challenging, unusual invertebrate to add to your tank, take a look at the sea hares. Due to the possible toxins these sea hares can release and their specific care requirements, the species are considered difficult to keep. It’s recommended that only expert-level hobbyists attempt to take on these sea slugs.…

  • Scooter Blenny Care: Synchiropus spp.

    Scooter Blenny Care: Synchiropus spp.

    The scooter blenny (Synchiropus spp.) gets its name from the behavior of “scooting” around the sand on the ventral fins. Combine the activity with vibrant colors, and they’re a favorite with aquarists – at least those that can cope with the blenny’s demanding needs. Because while they’re labeled blennies, they belong to the dragonet group…

  • Clown Tang Care: Acanthurus lineatus

    Clown Tang Care: Acanthurus lineatus

    Clown tangs (Acanthurus lineatus) combine vibrant pops of color with equally expressive personalities. Put the two together, and you get delightful saltwater fish that top the charts in popularity. Unfortunately, they also rank high in degree of management difficulty. So if you have your high on a new striped addition to your reef tank, make…

  • Leopard Wrasse Care: Macropharyngodon spp.

    Leopard Wrasse Care: Macropharyngodon spp.

    Leopard wrasses (Macropharyngodon spp.) make colorful and active additions to any reef tank. They’re also helpful for anyone struggling to protect their Tridacna clams from troublesome pests. But all of those positives come with STEEP care needs. And unless you have plenty of experience under your belt, you’re probably better off admiring these beauties from…

  • Garden Eel Care: Heteroconger hassi

    Garden Eel Care: Heteroconger hassi

    Garden eels (Heteroconger hassi) often escape the notice of snorkelers and divers. Swaying among beds of seagrass on the sandy bottom, they blend seamlessly in with the plants. You need to look closely to pick out the fish from the foliage. You won’t have the same trouble in your home aquarium, but these spotted fish…

  • Pipefish care guide

    Pipefish care guide

    Pipefish are adorable and popular saltwater aquarium fish. Caring for them in a home aquarium can be extremely challenging, but expert aquarists report great success caring for them in a home aquarium. Let’s review some of the most important aspects of caring for them in a saltwater tank. Pipefish care guide table of contents You…

  • Copperband butterflyfish: Is it reef safe or not?

    Copperband butterflyfish: Is it reef safe or not?

    The Copperband butterflyfish is a beautiful and iconic saltwater aquarium fish species: The long nose, honed by evolution for picking meals from tiny crevices in the live rock The alternating black-lined goldfish yellow copper-colored bands and white coloration pattern. The false eyespot on the rear part of the dorsal fin and the relatively tall, slender build…

  • Powder brown tang

    Powder brown tang

    Looking for an amazing saltwater fish that is both amazingly beautiful, yet somehow subdued and less flagrantly colored than most? The white-faced powder brown tang fits that description and more. They are elegant and subtle and challenging to care for. If you just have a moment to scan, check out the answers to some of the…

  • Bluestreak cleaner wrasse: care guide, quick facts

    Bluestreak cleaner wrasse: care guide, quick facts

    The Bluestreak cleaner wrasse is a tropical fish with beautiful, distinct markings and the adaptation that it makes a living on the reef or in a saltwater aquarium by eating the dead scales and parasites off the outside of the other fish in your tank. Some of my favorite underwater images are of a fearless…