Tag: beginner

  • Royal gramma

    Royal gramma

    Are you thinking about adding a Royal gramma basslet to your saltwater tank? If so, you’ll be in good company because Gramma loreto is a great beginner fish and is one of the most popular fish in the hobby. For a good reason! This is one of the first animals I added to my reef tank, and I…

  • Starry Blenny Aquarium Care Guide

    Starry Blenny Aquarium Care Guide

    The Starry Blenny is a quirky and hard-working saltwater fish that will munch on algae in a mature aquarium and help keep your reef looking in tip-top shape. They are a bit delicate, when first introduced, so let’s explore what it takes to properly care for this fish. Table of Contents Quick facts Natural habitat…

  • Yellow Coris Wrasse Care: Halichoeres chrysus

    Yellow Coris Wrasse Care: Halichoeres chrysus

    Yellow Coris Wrasses (Halichoeres chrysus) will not only add a vibrant pop of yellow to saltwater aquariums, they perform helpful pest control. It’s one of the most attractive services aquarists get drawn to with these little wrasses. But they present a few management challenges, and if you get your identification wrong? You could find yourself…

  • Scoly coral care guide

    Scoly coral care guide

    Scoly Coral are popular Large Polyp Stony Corals that are hardy and might be a great choice for some of those moderate-and-lower light parts of the tank–if your budget allows.  The nickname or common name is a shortened version of Scolymia, which is the genus that they belong to, taxonomically. Scoly Coral typically have vibrant…

  • Yellowtail damselfish care guide

    Yellowtail damselfish care guide

    The Yellowtail Damselfish is one of the 20 most popular saltwater fish. They are extremely hardy, gorgeous, inexpensive, and available in aquarium shops everywhere. But while they are suitable for beginners, they are not always recommended for beginners. Let’s dive a little bit deeper into what makes this species both perfect for beginners AND a…

  • Favia coral care guide

    Favia coral care guide

    The Favia Coral is a hardy and inexpensive aquarium coral that is suitable for beginners and attractive enough and tolerant enough to warrant space in an advanced reef keeper’s tank, too. They are part of the well-known “Brain Coral’ family. Let’s dive a bit deeper into the ins and outs of having a happy Favia…

  • Diamond Goby Care

    Diamond Goby Care

    The Diamond Goby is a peaceful reef fish that will liven up your tank with a subtle burst of color (spots) and personality. They are a reasonably hardy species of fish that should be easy for beginners or advanced hobbyists to care for–and watching them dig through and sift the sand like a prospector is…

  • Candy Cane Coral: Caulastrea furcata, a great beginner LPS coral species

    Candy Cane Coral: Caulastrea furcata, a great beginner LPS coral species

    The candy cane coral is an LPS coral (stands for large polyp stony coral) species that is great for beginner and intermediate reef tanks. While some LPS corals are aggressive and have large, stinging sweeper tentacles, this attractive coral species is mild-mannered and has very short sweeper tentacles, by comparison, and can, therefore, be kept…

  • 26 Best beginner saltwater fish (including 7 to avoid)

    26 Best beginner saltwater fish (including 7 to avoid)

    Let’s jump right into it. Here are 26 great beginner saltwater fish and 7 fish recommended by others or sometimes just so irresistible at local fish stores that you should avoid. Green chromis: A great beginner saltwater fish Peaceful, inexpensive, ubiquitous, easy to feed (which means eager to eat frozen foods, flakes or pellets (if…

  • Pajama cardinalfish

    Pajama cardinalfish

    The Pajama Cardinalfish is a small saltwater aquarium fish that is nearly perfect for almost any tank. Visitors may wonder if the colors and patterns are real. Beginners will appreciate how easy it is to take care of them. They will get along with just about any other fish (that won’t try to eat them)…