Day 28 Partial Water Change

Weekly Partial Water Change

Welcome to Day 28 of the 31 Days to Build a Better Saltwater Aquarium Challenge. We are almost there. I can taste it. In case you were wondering, it tastes salty. However, I’m so proud of all you’ve done this past month to work on and improve your tank.

I think you may have figured out the pattern by now, but one of the behaviors I’m hoping to reinforce in this challenge is the weekly water change. You may have already had the discipline to perform these water changes weekly, but I am here to tell you that I was not.

In fact, one of the reasons I started this challenge, in the first place, is because I was in a rut. Do you ever get in a rut? I don’t mean to make this post all about me. Let me transition back to you and your tank.

Today’s challenge is to perform a weekly partial water change.

Day 28 Partial Water Change

This is the last water change of the challenge, but don’t make this the last water change for your tank (for a while). If you’ve been following along with the challenge every day, you’ve been performing partial water changes, like a pro, each and every week.

Keep up the good work. It’s the most important thing you can do.







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