Tag: Harlequin shrimp

  • 6 Sensational Saltwater Shrimp Every Aquarist Loves

    6 Sensational Saltwater Shrimp Every Aquarist Loves

    Every aquarist wants that little bit of elegance and character for their reef tank. And these sensational saltwater shrimp do the trick. Not only do you get some vibrant colors and patterns (always a plus), but you’ll also gain some extra activity and help around the aquarium. (Form AND function – how can you go…

  • Harlequin Shrimp Care Guide

    Harlequin Shrimp Care Guide

    Harlequin shrimp (Hymenocera picta), in my opinion, are one of the most beautiful marine invertebrates in the world. Just take a look! They are mostly white with colorful spots all over their mantis-shaped body. In general, they grow to a maximum size of 2 inches. (Females come out significantly larger than males) The three most…