Mindblown: a blog about philosophy.

  • Holiday gift giving guide for the Aquarium Nerd who wants a new LED light fixture

    Holiday gift giving guide for the Aquarium Nerd who wants a new LED light fixture

    Saltwater Aquarium Blog Guide to Holiday Gift Giving for Aquarium Nerds Happy Holidays! Thanks for taking a moment to read this Guide to Holiday Gift Giving. If you’re receiving this guide, it must mean that a loved one or dear friend of yours wants you to know what’s on their wish list. You should know…

  • Live Rock Gift Giving Guide for Family Members

    Live Rock Gift Giving Guide for Family Members

    Saltwater Aquarium Blog Guide to Holiday Gift Giving for Aquarium Nerds Happy Holidays! Thanks for taking a moment to read this Guide to Holiday Gift Giving. If you’re receiving this guide, it must mean that a loved one or dear friend of yours wants you to know what’s on their wish list. You should know…

  • Gift Giving For Saltwater Aquarium Enthusiasts

    Gift Giving For Saltwater Aquarium Enthusiasts

    The Holiday season is upon us again, and ‘tis the season for gift giving and gift receiving. But for those of us in the Saltwater Aquarium Hobby, we sometimes receive strange or confused looks when the loved ones in our lives see what’s on our wish list. Want to see 51 great gifts for the…

  • Saltwater Aquarium Funny Guys-Will and Gill

    Hope you enjoy my latest Aquarium Funny Guys Comic with Will and Gill

  • The mistake I regret the most

    The mistake I regret the most

    In life, I tend not to regret very many things. I tend to be a thoughtful (not in the he’s a thoughtful guy way but more in the he thinks things through way), and I pride myself on thinking thing through and making the best decision at the time. But there are a few things…

  • Role of sponges in a coral reef ecosystem

    Role of sponges in a coral reef ecosystem

    What images come to mind when you think of a coral reef? I don’t think it would be much of a stretch for me to guess that one of your top three images that came to your mind was certainly not of sponges. If stony corals and clownfish are on the coral reef celebrity A-list,…

  • Euthanizing a sick, dying or injured fish

    Euthanizing a sick, dying or injured fish

    For better or worse, an experience with my personal saltwater aquarium inspired this week’s post. An incident in my tank this week has me asking the question: When, if ever, is it O.K. to euthanize a sick, dying or injured fish or coral? Unfortunately, I found myself tired (from a long day at work) wondering…

  • Jersey Shore Ocean Water Experiment

    Jersey Shore Ocean Water Experiment

    I went to the beach off the Jersey Shore this week and took a water sample to test. I was curious to see how the water would stack up. With hundreds of thousands (if not millions) of sunscreen covered tourists running into and out of the ocean—doing who knows what in the ocean—I was curious…

  • As Aquarium Enthusiasts–Do we have an obligation?

    As Aquarium Enthusiasts–Do we have an obligation?

    When you walk into a professional business complex and see an aquarium in the lobby–do you stop and take an excessively long gaze at the tank like I do? I’ve run into a few of these tanks over the last few weeks and became a little self-conscious when I realized I had overstayed my welcome…

  • Really cool fish egg study (never thought I’d see myself write that)

    Really cool fish egg study (never thought I’d see myself write that)

    Ironically, I used the egg picture last week in homage to the old TV commercial: If you missed that post, because…you were on vacation (why else could you have possibly missed it?), you can find it here in the article titled (very maturely) Are my fish smarter than yours? The intended joke was to show the…

Got any book recommendations?