Tag: reef aquarium

  • 5 Saltwater Aquarium Books Every Hobbyist Should Read

    5 Saltwater Aquarium Books Every Hobbyist Should Read

    Every hobbyist begins by seeking information. And while internet searches work well (thank you for visiting), it also helps to have saltwater aquarium books around that you can grab and reference whenever you find yourself with a problem. (For instance, in case a power outage happens and you CAN’T reach a certain helpful blog) Table…

  • Simple Reef Aquarium Maintenance Scheduling

    Simple Reef Aquarium Maintenance Scheduling

    Many aquarists view themselves as stewards of the marine life in their aquariums. Not only is it fun building a reef, but we also feel a responsibility to properly care for the fish, corals, and other invertebrates that live in our home. Proper care means having a plan to maintain the aquarium’s health. The best…

  • Longnose Hawkfish Care: Oxycirrhites typus

    Longnose Hawkfish Care: Oxycirrhites typus

    Longnose hawkfish (Oxycirrhites typus) make the perfect addition to any marine tank with their unique method of perching and bright colors. They’re intelligent fish with bundles of energy and lots of personality – provided you have plenty of room. Because while these saltwater hunters may not reach impressive lengths, they DO perform incredible acrobatics. Table…

  • Sailfin Tang Care: Zebrasoma veliferum

    Sailfin Tang Care: Zebrasoma veliferum

    Sailfin Tangs (Zebrasoma veliferum) combine beauty, personality, and size into the perfect reef tank addition. They aren’t quite as aggressive as other members in the tang family, though they WILL establish their territories. Best of all, they’re a little easier to track down, and they WON’T break your piggy bank if you’ve lost your heart…

  • Success Fragging Corals

    Success Fragging Corals

    [pullquote type=”left”]This is article # 3, in a three-article series, taking a deep-dive into the world of coral fragging.[/pullquote] In article # 1, we talked about our shared dreams to have a thriving reef aquarium, filled with corals and set the stage that fragging corals is a great way to increase the number of rapidly growing…

  • Introduction to Fragging Corals

    Introduction to Fragging Corals

    When I ask friends to describe their ideal coral aquarium, there are two major themes that come up. Many people want to have a large tank filled with Acropora (Acros), Montipora Plate corals and other  Small Polyp Stony (SPS) Corals. Others hope for a mixed reef tank, buzzing with color and energy as fish and…

  • Reef Aquarium Lighting: Color Temperature Experiment Continued

      Reef Aquarium Lighting: Color Temperature Experiment Continued     A continuation of the reef aquarium lighting experiment detailed in the last thread: The color temperature of aquarium lighting is sometimes described in relative terms of ‘warm’ vs. ‘cool’.  Lamps that appear to be subjectively redder or orange are considered to be warmer color temperatures,…