Tag: omnivore

  • Bumblebee Snail Care Guide: Engina mendicaria

    Bumblebee Snail Care Guide: Engina mendicaria

    The bumblebee snail (Engina mendicaria) checks off all of the popular categories: They’re colorful (if you couldn’t guess from their name). You won’t have trouble caring for them. And they provide multiple benefits to your saltwater aquarium. Not too shabby for a little gastropod! Of course, there are a few minor hiccups – but what…

  • Maxima Clam Care Guide: Tridacna maxima

    Maxima Clam Care Guide: Tridacna maxima

    The maxima clam (Tridacna maxima) earns the title of Holy Grail of Aquarium Clams. And you don’t even need to undertake a quest to find one! All you need is a proper setup within your saltwater aquarium. Easy, right? As it turns out, these stunning clams require a bit more effort – a little like…

  • Chalk Basslet Care Guide: Serranus totugarum

    Chalk Basslet Care Guide: Serranus totugarum

    The chalk basslet (Serranus tortugarum) often gets overlooked by saltwater aquarium hobbyists. A surprising fact. Why NOT add them to your reef tank? After all, they’re gorgeous and popular saltwater fish (frequently changing color to match the décor). You don’t need to fuss much over their management, either. And expensive? Yeah, they’re not on that…

  • Purple Tang Care: Zebrasoma xanthurum

    Purple Tang Care: Zebrasoma xanthurum

    The purple tang (Zebrasoma xanthurum) stands out as one of the most beautiful members of the surgeonfish group. The rich tones of their scales draw the eye immediately, even in a vibrant reef tank. However, they’re not tangs for the faint of heart – or the light of wallet. Purple tangs are some of the…

  • Doctorfish Care: Acanthurus chirurgus

    Doctorfish Care: Acanthurus chirurgus

    The doctorfish (Acanthurus chirurgus) may not have the most glamorous name in the world. (They’re also known as – wait for it – surgeonfish) But you shouldn’t overlook them. As members of the tang group, they bring some of the best qualities to your reef tank. And while they may have a “boring” name (as…

  • Sexy Shrimp Care: Thor amboinensis

    Sexy Shrimp Care: Thor amboinensis

    The sexy shrimp (Thor amboinensis) checks every box when it comes to invertebrates. Intriguing name? No need to explain that one. Engaging behavior? They’ll happily distract you from every task on your To-Do List. Fascinating to look at? Well, they’re not called “sexy shrimp” for nothing! If you haven’t already found yourself looking to add…

  • Brittle Starfish Care: The Ophiuroidea Family

    Brittle Starfish Care: The Ophiuroidea Family

    The brittle starfish (Ophiuroidea) or brittle star group either enchant or repulse you. They follow the expected pattern of five “limbs,” but they lack that adorable star design. Instead, you get long, snaking legs that move in every direction – sometimes independently. But these echinoderms bring a particular fascination with them. And if you’re one…

  • Majestic Angelfish Care: Pomacanthus navarchus

    Majestic Angelfish Care: Pomacanthus navarchus

    Majestic angelfish (Pomacanthus navarchus) earn their name with dramatic colors of yellow set off with a “girdle” of navy blue. They look stunning in any marine aquarium. And while they’re challenging to manage and keep happy, plenty of aquarists hunt them down as additions to their reef tanks. (Well, CERTAIN reef tanks, anyway) Table of…

  • French Angelfish Care: Pomacanthus paru

    French Angelfish Care: Pomacanthus paru

    French angelfish (Pomacanthus paru) are a favorite with snorkelers and divers. Not only do they stand out in their natural reef environment, but they also have personalities that drive them to investigate any visitors. And that natural curiosity makes them every bit as enjoyable to house in a marine aquarium – provided you have the…

  • Yellowtail damselfish care guide

    Yellowtail damselfish care guide

    The Yellowtail Damselfish is one of the 20 most popular saltwater fish. They are extremely hardy, gorgeous, inexpensive, and available in aquarium shops everywhere. But while they are suitable for beginners, they are not always recommended for beginners. Let’s dive a little bit deeper into what makes this species both perfect for beginners AND a…