Tag: cleaner shrimp

  • Keeping the Fire Shrimp: Lysmata debelius

    Keeping the Fire Shrimp: Lysmata debelius

    The Blood Red Fire Shrimp is one of the most sought-after invertebrates in the saltwater aquarium hobby–because of the amazing color, delicate gracefulness, and fascinating cleaning behavior. Don’t take my word for it, take a look at this beautiful creature. Have you ever seen such a deep red color in the natural world? Quick facts Common names: Fire…

  • Scarlet skunk cleaner shrimp care guide

    Scarlet skunk cleaner shrimp care guide

    While the name, Scarlet Skunk cleaner shrimp might sound like one of the smelliest and least interesting things you could add to your tank, I can assure you, there is nothing ordinary…or smelly…about them. It is by far the most popular of the aquarium cleaner shrimps, despite the unattractive name. I think the Scarlet Skunk…

  • Saltwater cleaner shrimp aquarium care facts guide

    Saltwater cleaner shrimp aquarium care facts guide

    Are you looking for the perfect Saltwater Cleaner Shrimp to add to your reef tank, but aren’t sure which one to buy? Or do you just want to learn more about these amazingly beautiful invertebrates? Well, you’re in the right place, because these delicate creatures are amazing. Don’t take my word for it here, scroll down,…