Category: Statistics

  • Saltwater Aquarium Hobby Statistics

    Saltwater Aquarium Hobby Statistics

    In 2022, I sent a request to Newsletter readers to take a short survey to help generate some data and saltwater aquarium hobby statistics about tank costs, maintenance, quarantine, and dipping habits, you know, that sort of thing. I’ll share the saltwater aquarium hobby statistics summary immediately below but then dig into the data…

  • Aquarium Industry Statistics: Global and U.S.

    Aquarium Industry Statistics: Global and U.S.

    Ready to dive right into some Aquarium industry statistics? The 2020 Pandemic year slowed down many industries, but global aquarium trade value was about normal, driven by strong U.S. imports of live marine ornamental fish. Here are the 50 Best Aquarium Industry Statistics: Global and U.S. The global ornamental fish industry, which includes both freshwater…

  • Powerful coral care and saltwater fish statistics

    Powerful coral care and saltwater fish statistics

    In Mid-2020, I conducted a survey among Saltwater Aquarium Blog Newsletter readers to get some important coral care and saltwater fish statistics. More than 200 aquarium enthusiasts took the survey, contributing thousands of data points. A summary of the most interesting stats is included below. What saltwater fish types are most successful in a home…