Category: Saltwater Fish

  • Chalk Basslet Care Guide: Serranus totugarum

    Chalk Basslet Care Guide: Serranus totugarum

    The chalk basslet (Serranus tortugarum) often gets overlooked by saltwater aquarium hobbyists. A surprising fact. Why NOT add them to your reef tank? After all, they’re gorgeous and popular saltwater fish (frequently changing color to match the décor). You don’t need to fuss much over their management, either. And expensive? Yeah, they’re not on that…

  • 82 Best Saltwater Fish for a 75-gallon tank

    82 Best Saltwater Fish for a 75-gallon tank

    A 75-gallon tank is a nearly perfect size for saltwater fish, allowing enough room to care for all but the largest saltwater fish. You can keep all the fish species recommended for smaller tanks, and the added volume in a 75-gallon tank unlocks the following fish types: A few of the smallest tang types Several…

  • Best Saltwater Fish for a 40 gallon Tank

    Best Saltwater Fish for a 40 gallon Tank

    A 40-gallon saltwater tank is not too big and not too small. It might actually be just right. It won’t be large enough for some of the open water swimmers, but it will certainly give you plenty of room to create a gorgeous reef tank. Let’s explore some of the best saltwater fish for a…

  • Queen Triggerfish Care Guide: Balistes vetula

    Queen Triggerfish Care Guide: Balistes vetula

    The queen triggerfish (Balistes vetula) is one of the most iconic saltwater fish patrolling the Atlantic Ocean. Their gorgeous colors appeal to any aquarist looking for a dramatic centerpiece species. Unfortunately, their sheer size and aggressive habits make them unsuitable for most home aquariums. If you’re looking to add one of these royal brutes to…

  • 56 Best saltwater fish for a 55 gallon tank

    56 Best saltwater fish for a 55 gallon tank

    One thing that frustrated me when I was looking to set up my first saltwater tank was how challenging it was to interpret all of the advice to figure out which saltwater fish to choose and how many were appropriate for my tank. This guide will explore the best saltwater fish for a 55-gallon tank.…

  • Best saltwater fish for a 30 gallon tank

    Best saltwater fish for a 30 gallon tank

    Looking for an aquarium that’s not too big, not too heavy, and not too small? Sounds like a 30-gallon saltwater tank may be the right fit for you and your space.  A 30-gallon saltwater tank has a few advantages over 10-gallon and 20-gallon tanks, including: A wider range of saltwater fish will be happy in…

  • 25 Best saltwater fish for a 10-gallon tank

    25 Best saltwater fish for a 10-gallon tank

    10 gallons (37.9 liters) can be a nice size for a first saltwater tank or…a second saltwater tank. It is small enough to fit just about anywhere. The “biggest” problem with a 10-gallon tank is that it is on the small side–but that doesn’t mean you can’t still have a great saltwater tank. Some of…

  • Purple Tang Care: Zebrasoma xanthurum

    Purple Tang Care: Zebrasoma xanthurum

    The purple tang (Zebrasoma xanthurum) stands out as one of the most beautiful members of the surgeonfish group. The rich tones of their scales draw the eye immediately, even in a vibrant reef tank. However, they’re not tangs for the faint of heart – or the light of wallet. Purple tangs are some of the…

  • 27 Types of tangs for a saltwater aquarium

    27 Types of tangs for a saltwater aquarium

    Very few saltwater fish are as beautiful, graceful, and captivating as the tangs and surgeonfish. They are generally large and boldly colored fish that provide the helpful service of eating naturally occurring algae. However, the desire to keep them in a home aquarium is what drives many of us to set up large tanks, which…

  • Clown Triggerfish Care: Balistoides conspicillum

    Clown Triggerfish Care: Balistoides conspicillum

    The clown triggerfish (Balistoides conspicillum) get their name from two different sources: that vibrant appearance and the bubbly personality they bring to a saltwater aquarium. Plenty of hobbyists yearn to add one of these curious triggers to their collection. And while you couldn’t ask for a more engaging fish, you need to do some homework.…