Category: Food/Nutrition
Rotifer Batch Cultures
Rotifer Batch Cultures Culturing rotifers with a batch culture technique is akin to a manufacturing process. Instead of focusing on creating a stable environment to keep a relatively low-density culture thriving over a long period of time, the objective of a batch-produced culture is to maximize the yield of the culture over a short period…
Rotifer Cultures: Continuous Rotifer Culture and Production
Rotifer Cultures: Continuous Rotifer Culture and Production There are two popular methods of culturing rotifers—continuous culturing and batch culturing. Each method has its own pros and cons, but the next two posts should help you decide which method is right for you. The focus of this article is to describe the process of continuously culturing…
Equipment Needed to Culture Saltwater Rotifers
The first step to culturing saltwater rotifers at home is to obtain a starter culture. If you can’t find a hobbyist (or breeder) growing rotifers locally, you can find them online—just type ‘rotifer cultures’ or ‘live rotifers’ into the GOOGLE search bar on the bottom left margin of this page, and you’ll find a number of…
Culturing Saltwater Rotifers–Introduction
Culturing rotifers is easy to do at home. In order to get started, you have to obtain a starter culture. If you don’t find automatic success with your homegrown rotifer culture, don’t worry. It took me a few weeks (and several crashed cultures) to get the hang of it. If you decide to try this on…